When you hug and hold someone you love, it is care, it is love, it is belonging. Telling each other, this is where we belong, in each others arms. Comforting, feeling of security. Warmth, and a sense of peace.When in love, a hug can be pure happiness. A release from anything else in life that might be bothering you. Because at that moment, when you are hugging, you are where you belong and everything is right.BUT
When you think about it, there aren't too many things better than finishing each other's sentences and finding something new in those stories you've heard 450 times already.and here comes the pictures. (This is how i boring-kan diri)The Family.
This is the annoying budder. Locally known as Erdin and he also goes by the name of Lord Wemphyr.

This is Adek, the truest master of yoga. He has even mastered how to turn negative energies into positive ones, etc. laughing when he is hit with a remote control on his head, brushing people off with just a look even after the people finished up his water while he is eating, basically he just laugh it off.
This is him in trance state. Synchronising his mind, body and soul with the world around him.
The famous 24/7 bummer in my house is Miemidtz. He's a kitten and kittens are supposed to be hyper-active.
One of the rare occasions when Miemidtz goes hyper.
And not forgetting the most important member of the household, Beloved Masha.
He is not really an immediate family member but he was part of Los Quattordici before his fall from the 5th storey of block 13 which soon brought him death on swift wings. In loving memory of the 14 clan's biggest cat member, I sing it La Vie En Rose. laaa lala lala la laaa lala lala la laaaaa~
The Deprives
The cutest picture Tsue ever taken on my motorola phone. How i miss the boogerbabe..
So you people may know. This is Didi Precious.
My favourite picture of us. Somehow, as i've noticed numerous times, all of my friendships with the power of 3 is better off than the twos, fours and more. It always last longer in threes.
The Superhero Gang
Buddy Maximus a.k.a Waffles from Catscratch. HD kid / meteorite. HD girl a.k.a kental.lols.

The lame fashion magazine 'things to buy' page.
Like i've said. The best part is when you're in threes. Or are you planning to take me out on an exclusive date?

Do not be fooled by his get up. He doesn't usually look like this. This was mere entertainment for the Los Quattordicci. He is the heartless doe, he'll kick you in the face just to wake you up. Nanchindian knows that on first hand account. He is also the creative creator of the "cpat2 angkat telefon, syg. Klau tk nnti aku tonjol kepale bapakkau, syg" ringtone. I will update you on his drawings of butterflies, snake and coconut tree soon.
The most obnoxious ecv kid. The face says it all.

Our very own Chris Martin. And also my "twin".

This is the little kid who calls me Uncle Johnny. Don't mind the mother cause i'm Johnny and i'm not coming home.

Ed's bike. I wish i can have it plus a little custom parts here and there and voila!

The view we see at morning smoke session.
The Sagu

My indon crush. Well, when will she be coming to Singapore again? Ipan, help me ask her to come please.

Here's an X. I'm sorry it didn't work out for us.

My clementi love affair. Its too on and off for us. Where can she be?

Jayla, my favourite american.
And for those people who has been wanting to know who goldilocks is.
Wani Bani my anak mami

She's my anak mami and i'm hers imaginary friend because she keeps seeing me 24/7. And the pretty boy is me.hahs.

Another photo of us. Me with my messy medium length hair. We inseparable so let your body decide where it wants to go.

And these cute characters are done by her for her 2d animation jobsheet.
This is my perfume set when i was 16years old. I know, i got expensive nostrils but now my $2.5o Pucelle perfume will do.
The frenzy we go into when we're deprived of something essential. This experiment costs me a 5kg pack of rice and cab fare to a place where birds is aplenty. Moral of the picture, do not waste food or any other thing be it living or dead that you think isn't really important.Sir Luxley O'Frolick
The kid who loves Donald.
Look at what all that lovin' has done for him. He turns out to be a very sexy young man.lols.
The Squire a.k.a Luxley and The Dotsta. Ignore the girls, they're insignificant to the picture.

Another offering of Sir Luxley. Look at how hot all that donald loving made him.