04 August, 2006

endless battle

I 'paitau-ed' my sidekick a few days back. I was supposed to accompany HD girl to her cosmetic thingy at forum in the morning. I was eager enough to even asks her to wake me up at 9.45am but when she woke me up i couldn't help it that i lied and went back to my precious sleep. (I guess meteorite was showing.hah. sorry babe.) Then sidekick messaged me again later on informing me that she's leaving her house already and guess what? I lied(told her i was getting ready and that she just have to go ahead and i'll meet her afterwards.) and went to sleep once more.

All this while i was fighting the endless battle within. The battle i've always fought ever since mom stop waking me up like she used to, ever since i shattered her dreams of not staying in my secondary school years to continue taking my o's instead i left and went to ITE. All that 210 PSLE aggregate was wasted. All that years in the express stream wasted. All that hopes shattered into a million bite-size chunks of bittergourd. We went through alot more messages yet my meteorite side was showing and i chose slumber over her.

Later that day it dawned on me that i did something horrible to my sidekick and sooner than you know, my fingers were dialling her numbers. My fingers when into a repetitive trance-like state, dialling her 8digits. After numerous attempts, she picks up. We chatted. Then I had to go out and make my way to a place where kids like you shouldn't know. But if you people really want to know click here: HD girl's blog.

And look for the "erit is a jerk" entry.

p/s: i had to give up the ayu look-alike just to spend extra minutes with
somebody special.


Blogger kloqwerk scribbled...

wow. an entire entry abt me. =)
guess i AM special somewhat. hee.

even if u didn't post this, 56 missed calls must've meant sumtin.

much love for d sweetest jerk.
miss him aredy.

09 August, 2006  
Blogger HD kid scribbled...

yadayada elephantbutt

10 August, 2006  

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