10 August, 2006

The New Basketeers' Pet

I've grown rather fond with the 'cencurut' at ecv's basket. It comes out around 12plus in the morning rummaging for food in the leftovers littered all over the 'pondok basket. Sometimes i leave some crackers at the entrance of its crib. I find the cencurut cute in the way it hops on its hind legs while carrying a big piece of food in its mouth, the way it goes inside a myojo instant noodle bowl and licks and find whatever food it can digest. These are little things people don't see which i admire. The life of this small little rodent is insignificant to our daily laughter and crap talk sessions. Therefore i will keep note of it.

p/s: everyone is just another little rodent, its the soulmates that makes us mickey mouse.


Blogger kloqwerk scribbled...

p/s: everyone is just another little rodent, its the soulmates that makes us mickey mouse.

ur rite!!! i agree!!
n in a way, ur cencurut has become a Mickey Mouse! r u his minnie??

11 August, 2006  
Blogger HD kid scribbled...


12 August, 2006  

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