My cloaking device is failing me and so are my powers. I can't help switching from HD kid to meteorite to SuperZero sporadically. Its as if i have no control over my actions anymore. I want to say things and the other party wants it to be said in a twisted manner. Ouh and the third party wants it to be left unsaid. With three heads waging war on each other within this tormented self, i find myself at a blank state of what to do and not to do. All three has come to agreement though that sleeping is a waste of one's time because each passing minute is a moment to change everything.
I can soo imagine the three ideas.
HD kid: You don't tell deliberate lies, but sometimes you have to be evasive.(the voice of tyranny and ego)
meteorite: Tell them the truth, you might never get to if you don't because forever doesn't last. They might be uncontactable once you're out.(The voice of desperation and sweetness)
SuperZero: Do nothing. Let it be. This will show you the real and true people in your life.(the voice of faith and no actions)
So far i've declared a few top secret things with a few people whose identity will remain discreet. Things they never knew about. Actually they thought the same way too like how arrogant ourselves are and how out of each other's league we are but we chose to keep quiet because ego against ego is not good at all. Then again i know it would have prevented me from getting into the mess i'm in currently. Having a significant other is like having a force to hold me back. But i shouldn't blame it on that, a hundred percent. Because.....evey great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied. Movements born in hatred very quickly take on the characteristic of the thing they oppose. Common sense is judgement without reflection shared by an entire class, an entire nation or the entire human race. It's more of a personal touch on things. And i didn't apply it when things were happening. My very own great mistake.Right now, before i go i want to write a few things on paper and i want my sidekick to be the witness and also the mind because my brain has ceased to function fully. I also want her to be my eyes in the outside world. To witness the blooming and wilting moments of my dearly beloved family and a few other people i care about. I have my brothers but i need an outside figure to help them deal with life.(outside. how ironic.) I believe she will not fail me this time like she had before. She will have to be the hero while i'm gone. The situation calls for it.To dadi,
The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justify the end. That is the core why fwb is established.
"Memories, sharp as daggers
Pierce into the flesh of today
Suicide of love took away all that matters
And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart
Nailed to the cross, together
As solitude begs us to stay
Disappear in the lie forever"