30 December, 2006

If I may quote

"existence is sometimes not by our right but by choice ,
ours' or God's.
we may choose where we wanna be,
but in the end..
the decision is not ours to make..

thinking wat u might b thinking.........? not!

sometimes we like it alot....but ironically, most times..wat we think we really like in the first place,is afterall not wat we really want...n sumtime wat we dun really like, is actually the one thing we've come to love n cherish n need...

for all time she sees it as a challenge back then...(a game)

i c it as waste of time, (bothering on my own murder again in the end.
a case of history repeating itself)dat changes over time, we changed...
frm a game to reality, n frm hate to open arms....
acceptance on both our sides..on to e next lvl..." - Lord Wemphyr

I am extremely annoyed at the fact that i cannot decide my own life, arrange it as i've pictured it, it may be disorderly in the end but as long i breathe in the moment knowing this is my own doing i have no one to blame not even fate or destiny. You see if two person agrees to never let go of the other's hand no matter what, they'll stay like that until the end, only death will do them apart.(meaning even thru the darkest hour if they keep holding on, who's gonna let go right?) Why must always the other party says it is not fate that we be together. Why must the other party give in to destiny. Can't you just keep holding on to my hand when the nuclear bomb blasts? We'll die together. Together... isn't it what you've always wanted?

Even when i did not acknowledged you at the starting line because i didn't want to give in to unnecessary feelings. Why do you have to be indecisive or uncertain? Why do you even fear anything when i'm here to protect you? I remember how you will please me and my demands like i was king. Can't you go back to being that girl? I promise i'll appreciate you. I know i didn't really like you but you're the one thing i've come to cherish, love and need. Why wouldn't you fight for what you've always wanted instead of giving in to what you call fate?

my life is in pink out of a sudden. What have you done to me, secretary?

p/s: Fate is what we make of it.

21 December, 2006

Lost And Found

Right now i've come to the end of my road. Here the road splits into more roads. Which one do i take? The Tyrant's, The Past, The Future or just stand here and look back hoping i can pick all the things i've dropped. Never have i been uncertain. Uncertainty makes me feel stupid, flawed and worst of all it makes me feel lost and helpless or hopeless.

-quand la fille d'une autre personne est convoitée-

I wish i just could turn around and run all the way to the 25th of August '06 and make damn sure the 8 is a 5. It would have been different then, i might have stopped his return and even if she didn't respond in the first place i wouldn't have anything to lose because i've not yet invested anything. But now i've got myself in too deep and i don't even know if i can still run when i've got myself knee-deep in muck.

P/s: Human emotion is an unrealistic, unreliable and shifting foundation.

19 December, 2006

I Don't Like Alot

Well.. I'm not bitter, it's just that i'm in a rotten mood now.

-i don't like people who doesn't make plans with me, exclusively.
-i don't like gangsters(male/female) because they think they are effing big and do whatever they like just because they have power.
-i don't like soccer guys because they do what they like too just like gangsters especially breaking hearts, oppresion, laugh at lesser being as if they're perfect and etc.
-i don't like that arse who has nothing better to do but to have something against me.(i must have fucked his wife who then gave birth to a cute baby boy who he must have found to be my son)
-i don't like cunts who can't fight on their own.
-i don't fancy sissys.(which man in their right mind will wear their watch on their right wrist?)
-i don't like daun soup and daun bawang.
-i don't like cheap labour.
-i don't like ppl who won't tell things in full details the first time you ask.
-i don't like it when i have to repeat my questions.
-i don't like bujang.(well i dun really not like him just that, you know...)
-i don't like the theory of relativity.(why must time flies so fast when u're with someone special)
-i don't like it that i'm not able to list all the things i don't like.
-i don't like the way good things come to an end.

just so you people get a brief idea of the things i dislike.

17 December, 2006


In times of chaos, people will panic,
Do anything that they think will save them.
For me, I've detached myself from my emotions
amidst the dins of battle.

Now i am pretty lost with what is happening to myself. Change, i don't really like it at all. Why does anything have to change? Couldn't it be the way it is? The way i've adapted to or grown accustom to.
This made me reflect on myself. I shall retrace my steps, the steps i've carved to reach where i am now, a kid who is in control of any situation he is in. Yes, some of you may know me as
HD kid. I want to go back and find where i've let this alter-ego arse took over the naive me, the helpless little sissy boy who would pluck flowers from the gardens for his beloved. I want to stop HD kid and meteorite from the battle that they wage on each other. I want to make them co-exist in harmony and tranquility. At present, I actually cannot be bothered with posting anything or socialising with anyone for that matter. I am in a state of discomposure so i'll end this now before i change my mind about posting it..

p/s: worst thing is to miss someone when you're with them and knowing you can never have them.


I should be brave
but the alarms

stop sounding
and my knees

stop supporting,
muscles unravel,

they no longer
carry this weight.
These thoughts are not helium,

but Zeppelins
with thousands of passengers

stomping their feet
causing plane-quakes

and three-hundred foot drops.
a propeller chops us up
at the diaphragm.
Your hug is not welcome here.

p/s: Has the reign of the tyrant really ended?

To you, darlink..

Words couldn't express what you mean to me. I still remember the promise we made when were a tad younger. Certainly i love you. Our intimacy was unquestionable. It wasn't just you, i can relate to it too. There's not a need to mention the hugs we exchanged. You know how i would never betray you or even hurt you. Maybe just the krabbys but that is just it. You have always been my sweet little princess though i've never mentioned it. I'll never ever trade the joys we shared for anything in this world.

But somehow things did not went the way we expected it to. The closer we get, the more of a stranger we become. I would really like to sit down and talk,confess or whatsoever over a cup of anything-you-like. I want to know if you're feeling the things i harbor deep inside for you. Just thought that you should know i miss you too, presently. I know i might have outgrown being an essential to your future but i don't expect anything to happen. Life has never been truly joyous without you to share it with. I appreciate you. Do take care.


15 December, 2006


I'm in a state of ecstatic chippering right this moment. The 'A' has just messaged me. Such a blissful event.


The 'A' just made contact!


ok that is all.
i wanna go do the "yeah thingy" and chipper my night away.