19 December, 2006

I Don't Like Alot

Well.. I'm not bitter, it's just that i'm in a rotten mood now.

-i don't like people who doesn't make plans with me, exclusively.
-i don't like gangsters(male/female) because they think they are effing big and do whatever they like just because they have power.
-i don't like soccer guys because they do what they like too just like gangsters especially breaking hearts, oppresion, laugh at lesser being as if they're perfect and etc.
-i don't like that arse who has nothing better to do but to have something against me.(i must have fucked his wife who then gave birth to a cute baby boy who he must have found to be my son)
-i don't like cunts who can't fight on their own.
-i don't fancy sissys.(which man in their right mind will wear their watch on their right wrist?)
-i don't like daun soup and daun bawang.
-i don't like cheap labour.
-i don't like ppl who won't tell things in full details the first time you ask.
-i don't like it when i have to repeat my questions.
-i don't like bujang.(well i dun really not like him just that, you know...)
-i don't like the theory of relativity.(why must time flies so fast when u're with someone special)
-i don't like it that i'm not able to list all the things i don't like.
-i don't like the way good things come to an end.

just so you people get a brief idea of the things i dislike.


Anonymous Anonymous scribbled...

u make a lotta sense,

y must u be so unreasonable sometimes?

can't u make it easier for me to be ur sidekick?

19 December, 2006  
Blogger HD kid scribbled...

someone terasa?

23 February, 2007  

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