Trouble Is A Friend
This is probably going to be the most cliché entry ever on my blog, so don't tell me i didn't warn you. Okay? So here goes.
At this moment, my mind seems to choose the option of backing out on me. First, there's the failure of being decisive pertaining to the choice for the action to take regarding my peculiar state of education/national service. You see, right now the people who handles the deferment section are some random aunties(that I personally think are not that passionate towards their job). Not the uniformed officers of yesteryear(the ones that i personally believe will get you the best deals they've got to offer). Not just pushing back my slip of school certification letter without even reading it. Dude, that's evidently the most excellent customer service you can get down here in Merlion State.
Like seriously, "Aunties, please go sell coffee beans at the marketplace. Because this is not your effing area of expertise."
A bunch of aunties handling deferment matters. The compulsory service is for guys, right? So why let someone who doesn't know handle it? Hence, the downfall of our beloved motherland will be from the inside itself. Or so I believe.
Secondly, I've lost a buddy. A person I, genuinely, thought was a friend. Let's just call him T. And mind you, I have only a very small number of friends as compared to my acquaintances.(which is also very little.)
But I've still got to pick myself up from the crash and relish the fact that if the major(100x)fuck-up didn't happened. I would never have woken up from the fake friendship T has been feeding me on. All those backbitchin' and debilitating attitude he has been giving me. I would have just swallowed all that, as always, if he didn't screw-up because it's the kinda mistake you could never afford to make in a friendship.
So we were trying to be diplomats and talk it out. And T was laughing like the problem was a deliberate joke. So it came down to this:
breepbreep : " T, It has finally dawned on me that the 8years bond we shared. The joy and tears are nothing but a big fat joke to you. Thanks eh, you're so very good at deceiving me."
T. : " haha, you're welcome. My forte."
I had to draw the line for the friendship is no longer beneficial to me in anyway. In fact, T. or it was leeching the life out of me. So this is best for me (or us if he'd still like the idea of me not being able to live without him. Dude, there's no turning back.)
The third and probably last thing will be posted on a different new post as this post has been a very lengthy one. So cheerios~
At this moment, my mind seems to choose the option of backing out on me. First, there's the failure of being decisive pertaining to the choice for the action to take regarding my peculiar state of education/national service. You see, right now the people who handles the deferment section are some random aunties(that I personally think are not that passionate towards their job). Not the uniformed officers of yesteryear(the ones that i personally believe will get you the best deals they've got to offer). Not just pushing back my slip of school certification letter without even reading it. Dude, that's evidently the most excellent customer service you can get down here in Merlion State.
Like seriously, "Aunties, please go sell coffee beans at the marketplace. Because this is not your effing area of expertise."
A bunch of aunties handling deferment matters. The compulsory service is for guys, right? So why let someone who doesn't know handle it? Hence, the downfall of our beloved motherland will be from the inside itself. Or so I believe.
Secondly, I've lost a buddy. A person I, genuinely, thought was a friend. Let's just call him T. And mind you, I have only a very small number of friends as compared to my acquaintances.(which is also very little.)
But I've still got to pick myself up from the crash and relish the fact that if the major(100x)fuck-up didn't happened. I would never have woken up from the fake friendship T has been feeding me on. All those backbitchin' and debilitating attitude he has been giving me. I would have just swallowed all that, as always, if he didn't screw-up because it's the kinda mistake you could never afford to make in a friendship.
So we were trying to be diplomats and talk it out. And T was laughing like the problem was a deliberate joke. So it came down to this:
breepbreep : " T, It has finally dawned on me that the 8years bond we shared. The joy and tears are nothing but a big fat joke to you. Thanks eh, you're so very good at deceiving me."
T. : " haha, you're welcome. My forte."
I had to draw the line for the friendship is no longer beneficial to me in anyway. In fact, T. or it was leeching the life out of me. So this is best for me (or us if he'd still like the idea of me not being able to live without him. Dude, there's no turning back.)
The third and probably last thing will be posted on a different new post as this post has been a very lengthy one. So cheerios~