17 March, 2007

Tagged. You're It!

Yau wasa yau! (mainland chinaman imitating nigga talk)
i've been tagged by Mai, the person in my link.

Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 idiosyncrasies as well as clearly state this rule. after you state your 6 weirdness you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their multiply id (ataupun yg sewaktu dgnnye) at the bottom of your blog. don’t forget to leave a comment that says "you’re tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means.

1) I secretly like the feeling i get when i puke out my stomach acids while taking my first shower of the day. Yes, i like the vomit feeling. It's like everything you kept bottled up in your heart comes out in the open.

2) I hate changes.

3) I hate people who calls me by my real name. Only a handful is allowed to do so. It is something sacred. (to me)

4) I depend on my friends alot but in real fact i don't have a friend who isn't superficial. So i actually do not believe in friendships. Friendships are for fakes and posers.

5) I think that tracing the nose or brushing a beloved's hair is one of life's great pleasures.

6) I am prone to screwing things up that will later have a huge consequence on my life. If there's a Major Screw-up award, it should go to me. =D

Now are the people who I'll like to tag, *drumrolls*
1- Abg Erdin
2- Dadi
3- Sallihin
4- Sue
5- Izzabelle
6- My cousin, Dyla


Blogger kloqwerk scribbled...

tis tag thing is bullshit.

17 March, 2007  
Blogger HD kid scribbled...

ala pantat tkde etiquette arh deknie

18 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous scribbled...

hmmm, it's like those "chain mails". dowan 2 play ah...

18 March, 2007  

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