Should I?
You are boring me. So much for your bla bla bla.
-I dislike it when you keep quiet when i say something serious or meaningful.
-I dislike it when you do not reply to my text msgs but expect me to reply to yours.
-I dislike it when i cannot hang up even when i got none left to say. (do i need to go somewhere or do something to actually say bye?)
-I dislike it when everything i say is misunderstood because you have a poor grasp of english.
-I dislike it when you suddenly keep quiet after i sms you things like 'i want you to let it out'.(like that meants you have to reply, don't you understand?)
-I dislike it when you say things like alik, patne, sal and all the other baby words.(but this i can tolerate)
-I dislike it when you assume i'm angry.(like i am incapable of getting angry, very contradicting aye)
-I dislike it when you say 'i love you'.(like what the eff that means?)
-I dislike it more when you cannot support those 3words.
-I dislike someone who cannot express love in other ways. e.g actions/gestures.(and cash is not love)
-I dislike it when you have something to say but you keep it to yourself instead.
-I dislike it when you keep telling me your life is arrange by others and yet you are not willing to do anything about it.
-I dislike it when you make plans with me and then ask me again when the time comes.(like as if, you got some other last minute thingy and fyi i get the crappiest feeling when you ask again like if you don't want to meet up, you can bloody hell say so.)
-I dislike someone who does not have a backbone for herself.
-I dislike someone whom i can rule over easily.(no chelen la)
I've got so many dislike/'pantang larang' which i tell you, i can go on and on to not like more things day after days. It is like an unending list of dislikeable traits. So i really hope at this very moment that what old people say about couples who always fight are meant to be together is 100% true because if it is not then what i'm doing now is a bollocking waste of unnecessary time.
p/s: should i tell her all my dislike? Just to be honest? Because i'm not the type to keep mum.
if u tell her, chances r: it'll all end. bcos it's too overwhelming n i doubt she can do anything abt it. tt's d way she is, n either u accept tt or u get d hell out.
n d floodgates will open, if she's d type of girl who is true to d impression she's given me.
many2 scenarios i can give u, but i'm not aunt aggie, am i.
what floodgates?
ouhok u mean i understand...hahs
took me a few seconds...
what impression?
scenarios pls.
well, it's a make or break thingy...
n sometimes we have to b frank like frankfurters, straight to the point..juz so one could get the point across or learn the hard way.
but pls, subtlelity in being frank can be a double edge sword..
1- it is put in such a manner dat does not discriminate nor elevate but mildly juz pointing out n not totally crush or hurt the 'one in question'.
2- simple, some ppl just r plain totally stoopid to even figure tings out..after several hints of sorts...meaning, they just dun catch the ball at all. in the end, it comes back to us..
point is, some ppl need to get a clear msg...n wake up.
i vouch for a yes...
i say yes too.
she has way too much baggage.
how do i how do i.
*my sadistic side terdgr ar*
well, u can come straight to the point coz, really, she's been more harm than gd. she needs to wake up....or shall i say, grow up??
baggage is ok, excess baggage is a total...hmmm turn off?
let her noe her place, lest she b takin ye for granted....b4 it may b too late
n abg erdin has spoken.
writing is my best form
of getting across.
now i have to write to her to, dadit.
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